Some random thoughts

I really enjoyed this movie, much more than the first one. Here's a couple of random thoughts:

1. As a general rule I don't like movies like this that claim to be based on a true story because at the end of the day, even though I love horror stories, they are just not true. So when I see crazy stuff happening in films like this it takes me out of the film as I shake my head at the movie telling porkies.

That said, I didn't seem to mind this time, and at least the movie gave a few nods to the idea (correct idea) that the girls were faking it.

Also basing the movie on a real event forces the film makers to make heros out of people who in real life were either wack jobs or frauds.

2. Frances O'Connor is a fine actress, but her accent in this film was sooooo bad, just awful!

3. While James Wan is getting better as a director with film, I still think his set design is a bit too precious. If the house is going to have a basement, it's not just going to have a normal basement, it will have the creepiest looking basement in history.

4. The painting that Ed makes (in a single morning) of the nun demon was laughable. On that note, the design choice for the Annabelle doll is still just as ridiculous. No parent in history would have bought that doll for their kid.

5. Brilliant use of music, not over the top during the few jump scares and maintained a steady sense of dread. Reminded me a lot of the score for Irreversible.

6. I think this was James's best film to date and I really hope he does something interesting with Aquaman


LOL at #4! So true!
