5/10: Reused dime a dozen concept carried by the two leads.
5/10 A feelgood movie with the intelligence of an Adam Sandler script.
(would have been a weak 4 without the performances by the actors, of whom which most, helped carry this script and movie)
This is a feelgood movie with a very well used concept found in different movies throughout the last decade and a half (and beyond). Acting by the leads are solid (bowling excluded), the quirky exes (here a stalker and a blind date) are mostly not well performed and that Olivia Williams (the real ex) doesn't get more time is simply bad writing. It would have given the negative notes more strength and by that also made out the positive better.
Cinematopgraphy and sound are average. Some parts as when Simon Pegg finds help in the end, seems awfully stressed through and by doing so makes less sense (what if he had given up near the end and spoken to someone, there at the party, about his loss before finding help...).
• You know what you will get; a feelgood movie and it doesn't hide it.
• Acting, leads in particular but also several good parts around them.
• Lack of originality regarding the plotline (not visualisation thereof) - this movie has been made a thousand times allready.
• Average cinematography & sound
• Feels like something an american who's seen a handful or two of british movies would make by mashing those s/he has previously seen together and then executing it decently.
[EDIT] Spelling & sentence structure.
Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.