A short summary

Just watched this film so here's just a very summaries -

- didn't realise Lake Bell was American until i read it on this board. Her british accent is the best i've heard in any film where an american was doing a brit accent.

- two game of thrones actors in this movie?! Odd coincidence

- this movie seemed to have so much potential especially with all the grest actors as Nancy's family but they just stuffed them together for about 20mins of screen time...

- this film was not what i was expected. Not in a bad way or good way

- the way the two main characters acted seemed a little off to the theme of the film. They seem to fall for eachother pretty hard pretty quickly considering he JUST got divorced..

- i was hoping Simon Pegg's character was gonna act like he does when she first meets him and be the kinda guy who's kinda oblivious to the slightly eccentric things he says
