Sienna's tidiness

In Sienna's apartment they make a point of Sienna being very particular about tidiness but that seems to have no bearing on future events. Is this a reference to something from the book or have I just missed something? Thanks


This was added in the movie. Apparently to flesh out her character as a neurotic genius.


Not sure about the genius part but it chimed with her having read all of Langdon's books at the age of 9 (or was it 11?) which probably could count as being a genius. But it had no effect on any of her actions before and after that scene, which did make it feel disconnected from the story.


Being a writer myself, I also thought that it was an interesting detail that they would somehow use it again after, but no, it turned out to be just a useless character information. Unless they deleted a scene where they make a reference again, it happens often with details like that. Actually they could have deleted this part entirely.
And especially since her character turns out to be evil, this information is even more useless, and even wrong. People who are tidy as she is, don't usually go to unleash a virus to kill billions of people...


Nope, you didn't miss anything. they missed the chance of making a great adaptation with the new ending and stupid Romantic sub plot
