MovieChat Forums > Inferno (2016) Discussion > What's the right order to watch the dan ...

What's the right order to watch the dan brown novels ?

I mean the da vinci code was released first as a movie but angels and demons was his first novel in this series.

so....what is the right order to watch the films or they are all stand alone films ?


Personally I think that you would be good watching them in the order they were released but they are pretty close to being stand alone stories with just a few references here and there to the previous books. You definitely won't be lost.

Angels and Demons is my favorite book in the series followed closely by Inferno. Then Lost Symbol and finally Da Vinci Code. TDVC is a ton of fun but comparatively it isn't as non-stop exciting as the others. It get boring at times.

Movie ending of A&D is light years better than the book ending. The books ending is pretty WTF.

Team is what it takes




Order of release so TDC, A&F then Inferno.


Bookverse: Angels & Demons take place before Da Vinci Code
Movieverse: Da Vinci Code takes place before Angels & Demons

Inferno can be seen as a complete stand-alone, I didn't really catch any references to previous movies.


Yea they made little tweaks to make the movie verse be in order of release. Like making up a new reason for Langdon's claustrophobia in DaVinci Code. But they could be viewed on their own as well. Pretty much self contained stories.


I think the only “reference” is that Langdon is already a widely known person, whereas in The Da Vinci Code he was just starting to get famous.


They don´t rely on each other at all. Which is quite baffeling considering what things Langdon encounters in the first novels/movies.

It´s so strange, by Inferno Langdon knows about Jesus bloodline still being alive today and knows the Pope personally. Still none of those things ever get referrenced again. I also expect the outcome of Inferno never to be mentioned again in the Dan Brown universe.
