Reason for script change - Ron Howard's interview
"My recollection is, Langdon wasn't really actively involved," Howard told us. "It was so complicated and not really movie-ish. He got [to Istanbul] and it had already been released. And so now, the upshot was, well, half the population has this thing, and we don't quite know who has it, and we don't know what's going to happen. [Sienna Brooks] kind of runs away and Langdon chases her down and says, 'How could you have done this?' And then he convinces Sinskey [head of the World Health Organisation] to hire her to help seek an antidote. The kicker is, not everyone's going to die; it's not instant death, it's a fertility plague. And so, interesting, and intellectually intriguing, and we missed it on that level. But it's very drawn out, and I can imagine staging those scenes and a movie audience sitting and kind of saying, 'How many endings are we going to have?'"
- Ron Howard
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Sorry just answered my own question, expected as much. They went for the “Langdon saves the day” in a neat movie-ish package. Which makes sense. That's my new favorite word now, not kidding.
Wish they would have shot both endings and put it on the DVD.
Is it too late to fly back to Istanbul for some pick-ups?
It certainly lends itself to further discussion while exiting the theater as opposed to “Well, that was close”.