Oh, I'm so proud of that little booger... I couldn't hold it in when she dropped the C-bomb to Yellow Snow's face...
I just love her character, and I relish every moment she's on screen... I want to see her fuse with someone, I want to see her meet Greg and Connie and the Beach City-ites, I want to see her get sword trained alongside Connie since she needs to be able to protect herself without a giant robot or body augmentations...
God, so many possibilities!
I almost feel it's too soon for her to come around naturally... but I like the way it was handled.
Steven did all he could to make her feel welcome and accepted and liked, and tried to show her what he could of the Earth and all its wonder.
It wasn't enough to change her conditioning, to countermand the programming and biases she had. Yellow Diamond was the push she needed.
Against the pull of some perfect being, it was like she was commanded by a god. What it took, was to stare that "god" in the face, and find out it didn't care about her... it didn't value what was clearly worth preserving... all that mattered to it was the Cluster, and the vengeful, murderous results of its completion.
Peridot couldn't believe a diamond would fail to see what she did, would fail to understand, or could be so openly cruel. Could doom what amounted to her only friend in the cosmos.
In that moment, the god died, as gods do. Perfection died. Infallibility died. In its place, a bitter tyrant.
Really, I don't think what of the Earth Peridot has seen could convince her to forsake all she knew. What she couldn't betray when the chips were down, as much as she opined and professed otherwise, was her friend. And that was worth protecting from anything.
But it's only the first spark, the bare minimum. It will be a while before she truly understands why she chose the side she has, or at least can justify it to her whole heart.
But... I worry for her.
It's always been my thought that Yellow Diamond would be particularly galled by Peridot's betrayal, whether it was being insulted, or siding with her enemies to kill the Cluster. I have a bad feeling that she'll want to deal with Peridot personally, moreso than the others even...