Season 2 Episodes

Mar. 26: "Joy Ride"
Apr. 2: "Say Uncle" (the Steven Universe/Uncle Grandpa crossover)

Apparently, the crew says that "Jailbreak" is actually the first season finale, and "Full Disclosure" and "Open Book" are the first two second season episodes, actually reducing Season 1 to 49 episodes instead of the original 52. "Shirt Club" (the title appeared in the Season 1 Episodes thread) is off the schedule for now.

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Here's the rest...
Apr. 9: "Story for Steven"
Apr. 16: "Shirt Club"
Apr. 23: "Love Letters"
Apr. 30: "Reformed"

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!



What's the chronological order of viewing of the chapter, including the ones from season 2 that are from season 1.



"Open Book", "Story for Steven", and "Shirt Club" were Season 1 episodes and they took place before "The Return"/"Jailbreak". The crew says those reshuffled episodes stand alone and can take place anywhere before the first season finale.

I apologize for the late response -- I was very busy with work at the time and I didn't have the chance to answer back...

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


No new episodes for May at this time.

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Aww man...


Hey, kids!




So...Connie episode, Ronaldo episode, Garnet episode, Greg episode, Riddler episode.

Got it!


And Stevenbomb III is coming -- July 13th through the 17th!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Hey, whatever makes these long hiatuses worth the wait! πŸ‘

It appears that just as Stevenbomb 3 ends, the people of Gravity Falls return to satisfy out cartoon larf/drama intake until Stevenbomb IV!



Pearl and Garnet's fusion 


So another hiatus between Steven Bomb 2 and 3?



Jul. 13: "Cry For Help"
Jul. 14: "Keystone Motel"
Jul. 15: "Onion Friend"
Jul. 16: "Historical Friction"
Jul. 17: "Friend Ship"

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!



An Onion episode?

...oh boy.

He's going to sing too, isn't he? ξ€Ύ


Onion is the only character that truly scares me from the show.



Aug 6: Super Watermelon Island


Oops, never mind!


Why did they delay it another month?



He's this show's Lemongrab.

::in the room with no doors, a faceless boy playing with makeup...
I love him from this mirror...::



"Kiki's Pizza Service Delivery".

... you named the character just for that title alone, didn't you? 

Also, WOO eventual upcoming three-parter!



Recently a (very) large number of episode titles were revealed that should cover the rest of Season 2 (and maybe even some of Season 3 for all we know). Though it should be noted that sometimes a title will revealed and the episode doesn't happen, so let's take some of these with a grain of salt.

Here we go! (known summaries in the parenthesis)

Nightmare Hospital (Steven and Connie sneak into a hospital to recover Rose's Sword)
Catch and Release (We finally see inside Steven's bathroom)
When it Rains (Steven helps a friend who is scared of thunderstorms)
Back to the Barn (Steven and the Gems work on building robots in family barn)
Sadie's Song
Super Watermelon Island(Steven finds out what happened to all those sentient watermelons he created)
Gem Drill (Steven takes a journey deep underground)
Barn Mates (Steven helps two friends get along in the barn)
Same Old World
Hit the Diamond
Steven Floats
Too Short to Ride
Drop Beat Dad
Mr. Greg
The New Lars
Beach City Drift
Restaurant Wars
Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Crack the Whip
Steven vs. Amethyst
Beta Part 1
Earthlings Part 2
Back 2 the Moon Part 3
The Kindergarten Kid
Gem Harvest
Know Your Fusion
Tiger Philanthropist
Last One Out of Beach City

Step right up, step right up! Take a guess at what these episodes hold, no matter how far you might be in the end!


Man, can't wait to see these!

The "Steven Vs. Amethyst" episode intrigues me - Could this mean Amethyst goes rogue or something?

"Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" - Careful, Crewniverse your anime love is showing!


The "Steven Vs. Amethyst" episode intrigues me - Could this mean Amethyst goes rogue or something?

Could be one of her "big sisters" from the Kindergarten. (She's the runt after all)

Also, I think it'll be a 2-parter since the episode before it, "Crack the Whip", sounds like an Amethyst themed episode...


You could be right.

I'm also looking forward to "Sadie's Song", Katie Micucci is the one actress/singer who hasn't performed single for the show last I checked.


Sep 10: Nightmare Hospital
Sep 17: Sadie's Song

Katie Micucci is the one actress/singer who hasn't performed single for the show last I checked.

I don't know...Mayor Dewey's VA can sing...or at least he could. (It's been so long he's probably lost it...)


So can Lapis's VA.


^ Oooooohhh!


Sept 24: Catch and Release


I've been away from IMDb for awhile. Thanks for filling in for me!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


No problem. Just trying to help everyone out ξ€Ή


Oct 1: When it Rains

Oct 8: Back to the Barn


Oct 15: Too Far

Check it out, a title that WASN'T leaked!

Summary: Amethyst and Steven get in on some gem gossip.


Where getting another hiatus after Thursday ξ€·

I get this funny feeling we'll get Stevenbomb 4, culminating in a mid-season 2-pater... 


I've read somewhere that the season resumes in early 2016. To be fair, 38 (soon to be 39) episodes have aired this year, so there has to be a break. ξ€Ή

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


The title may not have been leaked but the episode was after its showing at NYCC.


Apparently the hiatus will end January 7 with "Junior"

Summary: Steven rediscovers his favorite toy from childhood.


"Junior" was removed from the episode guide I checked and now it seems that "Gem Drill" will air January 2.


Alright! The new Stevenbomb dates are up!

Monday, Jan 4: The Answer

Garnet finally tells Steven the story of how she came to be a Crystal Gem.

Tues, 5: Steven's Birthday
Steven has a birthday party out at the barn, and decides he has some growing up to do.

Weds, 6: It Could've Been Great
The Gems take a trip to the Moon.

Thurs, 7: Message Received
Steven has doubts about believing in everyone.

Fri, 8: Log Date 7 15 2
Steven sneaks a listen to a friend's audio diary.

(Gotta be Peridot's.)

These all have the potential to be both very good and very sad. 



(Gotta be Peridot's.)

More than likely.

Someone should tell CN they don't have to hide Peridot spoilers anymore and they can stop referring to her as "a friend" in these summaries now.

And please tell me that "The Answer" (and potentially "It Could've Been Great" and "Log Date") throws in some new Gems in its flashbacks...


They've released a teaser clip for The Answer and apparently it'll be the story of why Garnet became a Crystal Gem but even more so, how Ruby and Sapphire met.

Rebecca Sugar has also recently spoken about this episode as being in a style that references a huge inspirational animator of hers'.


No info on when new episodes air (I'm guessing February in time for the Sweeps)
Though whether it'll be weekly episodes or another Bomb, I'm not sure 

..but CN released a clip (very) prematurely that has a HUGE spoiler ξ‚™

(I won't say what)


now when do more episodes come now that steven bomb 4 is done


Well, 2 new clips have been released/leaked, so new episodes must be coming fairly soon 


I heard about it, though I didn't watched them. What CN did (at least its UK channel) is kinda stupid...

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!
