MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Restaurant Wars (Discussion)

Restaurant Wars (Discussion)

Christ... Kofi doesn't deserve to be in business at all if he's going to stick a red hot poker on a child. 

Ronaldo seems to be taking fewer crazy pills these days, probably because his father got into his stash. But, for once, I felt sorry for the poor bastard.

I do admit that Steven's pizza bagels look more tempting than boring old Bagel Bites. As for the deep fried pizza... hey, I'd try it, but only after I fully decide to depart this earth by cardiac arrest.

So yeah, pretty good ep.



An amusing filler.

Right off the bat, ya gotta love how they're so competitive when, quite frankly, they're barely even actual restaurants (they seem more like eateries). It's made even more amusing by them going to extremes to get people's business. Nothing says "eat at our establishment" like branding your customers! 

Really got a kick out of seeing the Gems as cook & wait staff. Not to mention Fryman and Kofi's reactions. (though dammit Onion...)

Also, it's official...Steven's a shipper! Gonna have to have long talk with that boy. Must be taking romance advice from some Bronies...

Though I feel bad for Ronadlo and Jane though  (especially since I thought Jane would just remain a backgrounder). Really hope things work out for them later...


It was a so-so episode. Steven turning his house into a temporary restaurant? What? Mildly amusing and used a fair amount of characters, though. (No Grandma pizza?)

I never was never sure that was Mr. Fryman's hair and not a funny hat until now. It totally connects with Peedee and Ronaldo's hair, but its height rivals the Gems' impossible hairdos.


This was easily the funniest Steven Universe episode I've ever seen.



Pizza in the morning
Pizza in the evening
Pizza at the suppertime

When pizza's on a bagel,
You can eat pizza anytime!
