Monster Reunion (Discussion).
More hints about that major cataclysm the Diamonds left on Earth in revenge. Did they all fuse, perhaps? Or was it a new WMD entirely that the gang have to track down now? The '3 Diamond' iconography has a history of showing up in areas of major battles...
Now, while this episode may give many fans 'the feels'... it honestly didn't do much for me. I was indifferent to the original Centipeedle episode, and this one just kind of leaves me... not exactly cold, just... uncaring? Centipeedle has a tragic background, but I don't feel I got to know her enough to for said background to sink in.
Also, the ending wraps up too nicely. Like, 'well, she's back to being a bipedal feral monster, but at least she's reunited with her bipedal monster friends!'. I guess I just found Steven and the Gems are just too cheery and jokey for a somber situation.
I dunno, guess I'm just in the minority.