MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Back To The Moon (Discussion)

Back To The Moon (Discussion)

Grim way to end a season, guys.

Not only are the Rubies a bunch of dimwits, they really don't have great taste in leaders. I'm glad they haven't adopted her cold-blooded murderous methods, though.

Speaking of murder, I wonder exactly when the shattering of P. Diamond took place, before or after the bubbling of Bismuth? The implication behind these two acts is really going to depend on their chronology. Also, I assume P.D.'s death was during Jasper's time on Earth in the war. I doubt she was there to witness the act. (Which probably lead to the Diamonds unleashing the Corruption weapon...)

I really love how platonic and chill Lapis has become at this point. When she's jokingly asked to become a prisoner again, she doesn't freak out one bit. (Peridot grabbing her during that was adorbs!)

Also, Pearl... please dial it back on the ham.



I don't even have time for Pearl's drama queen antics because of how adorable the hero-worship of the Rubies was.


Pearl's ham gave way to shudders when the fate of Pink Diamond was revealed. That's what you get for keeping Steven in the dark.

I wonder how Peridot and Lapis would've reacted to that reveal?

What did Steven think was gonna happen with the airlock? I think he saw ALIEN/ALIENS too many times.

Damn, Sardonyx, can you spare an arm to grab Stewball?


At first it was a fun episode.
The Ruby Squad is to Homeworld what Jessie, James and Meowth are to Pokémon villains (though not as obnoxious). Amethyst faking being Jasper was a hoot. Pearl's overacting. And hi Sardonyx, wasn't sure we'd be seeing you again anytime soon!

Yet the episode is marred by the Pink Diamond reveal. Not only was there an eyewitness (couldn't help it), but Pearl's reaction said everything. That expression and shaking are the sign of someone who saw something terrible... 
No wonder Rose said it was good thing Greg barely knew her...

Oh sure, Earth would've been destroyed and all life wiped out, but it's still distressing and disturbing to think of Big Mama Rose killing someone, even if they had it coming. On Homeworld, they call her "The Diamond Slayer. It even makes the corruption curse look less like a dick move to win and more like an act of vengeance and maybe sorrow, even if the Diamonds used it on their own people.

Though this makes me wonder...did Rose use the Breaking Point on PD...or was it killing PD that made her say "Never Again!" before it was made... 

PS: I don't count this as the Finale. That's just CN pulling (yet another) math snafu...


Enjoyed everything about the episode. The Rubies were adorable and the Pink Diamond reveal was perfect. Unlike a lot of other people it seems, I'd assumed this whole time Rose had killed her and she was the reason the fourth part of the Diamond Authority was missing from their new symbols. Last few episodes have been great for Rose and Pink Diamond exposition.

I think I get why the Bismuth episode had to come directly before these last two in order to understand how Steven and the Gems would feel about Steven's revelation that his mother could kill.

And I also wonder why Steven would resort to such a careless tactic to get rid of the Rubies when their such a minor threat. He's gonna regret that overkill.
