Steven's Dream/ Adventures In Light Distortion (Discussions)
Well, I sure as hell don't want to get spoiled ASAP by this show's incredibly vocal fanbase so I might as well start this Bomb early. Can I do them all in one night? I doubt it, but here goes...
Steven's Dream: while the past few episodes were rather light-hearted, it does feel as if Steven's outburst feels kind of earned at this point. Yes, he knows Rose isn't perfect but I think it's been well-established at this point (if the videotape didn't stay it enough) that she could never be tarnished in his eyes. Still, you'd think the Gems would at least barricade Steven in his room first thing after he learnt about the palanquin. But nope, just a casual quick trip to Korea under their noses. Anyway, it's an exciting start so far.
The animation studio scene would have been even funnier if Greg saw Say Uncle in production.
Adventures In Light Distortion: okayyyy, a bit muddled tone-wise. Mostly 75% wacky space travel shenanigans, 25% tearful confession from a child in peril. Didn't add much to the plot outside of hologram programming that the audience probably knew beforehand. Hopefully it'll pick up in the next instalment. (yeah, I'm sure it's fine leaving the Rubies to rot.)