Gem Heist/ The Zoo (Discussions)
Gem Heist: Pearl, there's no need to up the salty levels. They said up front that it's an act and you've been apologized to more than once... and what makes you the hacker anyway (save the pasty skin? ). Regardless, this episode is indeed a hoot. Props to Michaela Dietz to giving the guards some Nelson Muntz-esque voices and their chemistry with Holly Blue. Other highlight: Steven handing his pants over. Hmm, looks like a peaceful zoo so far, if you don't mind having to dress like Aladdin...
The Zoo: Okay, not as dark a twist as I thought it was going to be. Honestly thought the Choosening was going to lead to poorly-experimented human fusions, or a dicer straight out of Logan's Run. (BUT, like Logan's Run, I notice no old people or children) Every prisoner seems fine physically, although their grammar leaves much to be desired. Pity Greg couldn't stick around to sing a song about heartbreak to this possibly-inbred society. Oh well.
Additional highlight: the Amethyst guards simply comforting the prisoners instead o' punching them.
Almost 1:30 in the morning, yeah, I think I can finish this bomb quick after all...