MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Gem Heist/ The Zoo (Discussions)

Gem Heist/ The Zoo (Discussions)

Gem Heist: Pearl, there's no need to up the salty levels. They said up front that it's an act and you've been apologized to more than once... and what makes you the hacker anyway (save the pasty skin? ). Regardless, this episode is indeed a hoot. Props to Michaela Dietz to giving the guards some Nelson Muntz-esque voices and their chemistry with Holly Blue. Other highlight: Steven handing his pants over. Hmm, looks like a peaceful zoo so far, if you don't mind having to dress like Aladdin...

The Zoo: Okay, not as dark a twist as I thought it was going to be. Honestly thought the Choosening was going to lead to poorly-experimented human fusions, or a dicer straight out of Logan's Run. (BUT, like Logan's Run, I notice no old people or children) Every prisoner seems fine physically, although their grammar leaves much to be desired. Pity Greg couldn't stick around to sing a song about heartbreak to this possibly-inbred society. Oh well.

Additional highlight: the Amethyst guards simply comforting the prisoners instead o' punching them.

Almost 1:30 in the morning, yeah, I think I can finish this bomb quick after all...



Gem Heist: Full sized Amethysts for the first time. A new gem Holly Blue Agate. They finally use Sapphire's status for something.

Why do homeworld gems use human time measurements like "5,000 years"? (Yea, it's a kid's show.)

Holly Blue Agate, does her likeness correspond with one of the silhouetted homeworld gems from The Answer or other episodes?

Those zoo outfits...the loin cloths, no pants. Underpants? Who knows? Probably not!

The Zoo:

The loin cloths that defy gravity as they dive into the pool!

Grammar aside, everyone speaks English. Yeah...not even possible.

Yeah, I was expecting a dark twist. Greg missed his chance for hooking up with the dumbest blonde in the universe. Or that guy...who also choosens Greg!

Greg and Steven end up being the snakes in the Garden of Eden. The fruit being the concept of free choice.

They leave them there, but they'd be so unsuited to life on Earth...maybe they are better in the zoo?


The choosening is a forced fusion expirement...Think about it...


Just wanted to comment on your first point. The way Holly Blue was treating Pearl was in no way an act. That was probably pretty degrading for her.


I'm intrigued if theories that the voice in the zoo is Pink's, because it's very positive and friendly. It also makes me think that what the Crystal Gems believe was a menagerie of conquest trophies is going to turn out to be Pink's attempt to rescue the human race, which would've been annihilated if the Earth colony had been completed. It seemed like great effort was made to ensure they were happy and thriving in the 'zoo'.


Gem Heist

Yet another look at Gem culture straight from the agate's mouth. Apparently Pearls are even more enslaved than I thought if they so such menial stuff as opening a door. Sounds like Rubies really ARE a bunch of idiots. Fun seeing Sapphire having trouble keeping her cool for a change. Though I have to wonder what would've happened if Holly Blue had met Jasper. Neat seeing other, full grown Amethyst, and made even better by Michelena making her voice all deep and masculine 

The Zoo

Oh great, Greg forgot to turn his swag off! 

Gotta say, PD had varied taste, as there were people of every shape, size and color in that zoo. (Say Greg, I'll take 'em of your hands ).

Watching them go through their routine was kind of dull, though that was probably the point. Though I'm VERY curious about the little voice. If that's supposed to be PD's voice, I'm gonna be very disappointed because I thought they'd get someone bigger to voice her...

This confirms that, yep, Steven got super strength while no one was looking. Also like how the Amethysts tried talking to the zoo inhabitants and calm them down instead of smacking them around. (Though I'm glad Jasper's not here to see this. She'd be SO ashamed)

Onto the grand finale of this caper! Dis gun be gud!
