MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > "The New Crystal Gems" discussion

"The New Crystal Gems" discussion

"I almost drowned a lot of people"

Now, I imagine some people are disappointed with this episode since it probably wasn't quite the team-up people were hoping for between Connie and Lapis & Peri. Though What could've really happened anyway? All the cool/important stuff happens to Steven and the (regular) Crystal Gems. What else is there with them gone?

That said, it was an amusing bit of self-parody. I especially dug the callback to the old opening . And after "Out of This World", we kinda needed something humorous like this.

While not what some people were hoping for, it was still fun and kept me entertained. So that's a good episode in my book.


So it's come to this: The Role-play Episode.

And well, the Temps do know their parts by heart, with the exception of the puns and so much crying.

Peridot is still very attached to that toilet. Inevitably, one day Steven is going to open the bathroom door and find that it's been broken off and dragged to the barn.

As Jango said, a satisfyingly decent filler before most likely heavy sh!te next week. There'll still be a little time for us to discuss it before the boards go *POOF*.. If my near-12 years of posting on IMDb has to end, then I'll be satisfied if it finishes on a friendly, rationally-discussed board such as this. Thanks, folks!



Man Lapis was a little rude to Connie saying "You really think we need your help?" Is that just her attitude now, because I thought she was a little friendlier in the earlier episodes.

So I guess there's "nothing there" when it showed Lars and Sadie holding hands??

Connie's first "Steven speech" reminded me of the song "Both of You" from Mr. Greg. And I'm glad she eventually told peridot and lapis off, because they really should act there age!

I'm a little disappointed that we didn't see the Rubies, maybe they'll go back and get them in the next episode while Steven goes into Rose's room.
