Haven't seen it on the boards, but has anyone mentioned the similarities between the Monkey Temple scene and the Kurtz reveal in Apocalypse Now? I thought that was one of the best things about this great movie. (Oh, and the cow bell reference, too)
it was glaringly obvious to me. kinda eye-rolling, and seemed like they were trying to be "hip" or funny for older film nerds only. which is a weird approach in a film like this...
That's a really cynical view to take of this obvious and funny tribute to Brando/Kurtz.
It's obviously an interesting nod to parents and adults watching the film and I took it as the kind of light hearted and funny tribute it was no doubt meant to be. It was clever that they catered for adults in a way that didn't interfere with the kids' enjoyment of the film (which some children's films don't succeed at).
The first scene of Louie, not only his speech patterns, but he's grasping his dome in the shadows, exactly like Kurtz. Then even some of the actual dialouge is similar.
I thought it was a great homage, except, maybe ill-fitting.... What does it have to do with this movie? Maybe because both are set in the jungle, and that character has a bunch of minions?