MovieChat Forums > The Jungle Book (2016) Discussion > OTish: Disney Is Making A Live-Action Th...

First off, "The Lion King" is perhaps to animated flicks what "The Godfather" is to dramas and crime flicks. There's absolutely no reason to remake it. "The Jungle Book" I can understand (especially since it was an excellent movie), but this?

Well, hope Disney and Favreau know what they're doing, and that this won't be another mediocre or garbage cash grab.

"Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station."


This gives me a lot doubt. Remaking classic animated films into live action is one thing, but The Lion King is really something special. I think most of us would agree on that. To go forward with a live action version feels wrong, especially since it is the most recently made film Disney is giving the live action treatment. Yes, 22 years is quite a while but not nearly as long since The Jungle Book or Cinderella. Maybe I'm just waxing nostalgic since The Lion King has been a part of my life since I was five. I hope for the best.


Nailed it! "Cinderella" and "The Jungle Book" had a lot of time pass, and the 2016 Jungle Book remake improved on the original in many ways and really "opened it up."

I don't think it's possible to improve upon "The Lion King" or get a different feel out of it.

"Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station."


Lion King could be interesting. Wonder if Disney/Faverau are considering casting some of the cast from the original film in the live action version.
Jeremy Irons could reprise Scar.
Imagine James Earl Jones reprising Mufasa.


"Live action"


Even though I'm hardly surprised by this, I have to wonder what's the point in making it live action. Unless they decide to add in some human characters, wouldn't the entire film just be CG animals pasted onto real locations? Or are they going to use a real meerkat and warthog?


Really think should get all cast from last movie and recast simba


Isn't The Lion King one of the Completely Original Disney Animated Feature Films, not adapted from any books and such? The ones that already have and are already due for a Live Action Reboot like The Jungle Book are not completely original to Disney. The Lion King doesn't have humans, and I personally don't know many Humanless Live Action Films. It may end up looking more like a Documentary.


Actually it is largely based on "Hamlet." And takes a few notes from "Kimba the White Lion".

Still no reason to remake it. Unless they plan on making a movie out of the broadway production? Nah, still a bad idea. Not while there is still so much untapped potential in mythology and folklore.


So, are you saying that The Lion King is Semi-Original, like Olver & Company (based on Oliver Twist set in Modern Time New York with Non-Anthropomorphic Domesticated Pets), The Emperor's New Groove (based on The Emperor's New Clothes) and Treasure Planet (based on Treasure Island)?


I don't mind remakes as long as they can provide a new take on things. Not sure if The Lion King can much though. I would like to see a live action remake of Aladdin or maybe Mulan.
