MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > A super annoying show and the fandom is ...

A super annoying show and the fandom is psychotic

I didn't say it was a *bad* show, it's well written and made. But it is perhaps the most pretentious show ever created, and the super decompressed time and oh so precious and twee affectations the show forces the viewers through to get to the semi interesting point pushes on your last nerve until you can't stand listening to how great it thinks it is. The actors are also super obnoxious, starting with Odenkirk and his annoying personality and old-ass smoker Kim.

It also has the most psychotic fandom of any entertainment property, if you dare criticize it in even a small way they turn into vicious rabid dogs and need to get a life and a fucking grip on reality. "Agree to disagree" is not in some of these fuckers' headspace, it's either go along with the consensus decision about what everything must mean, or in their mind you deserve to be bullied to death. At least people who like something dumb like Fast & Furious or whatever don't get so worked up by it because they know it's not high art; this show and Breaking Bad attracts the worst of humanity, people who think their shit doesn't stink because they like this avant garde hunk of crap.
