Vacuum Cleaner Guy

Does Saul’s capture mean that the Vacuum Cleaner Guy would be exposed too since authorities would know that Saul was living under a false identity as Gene and thus ascertain who gave him the fake identity? Maybe Saul could expose him to authorities in a bargain for a lighter/shorter sentence.


You got a point


Yeah, I wonder too how Saul seems to know the mall pretty well and is well-established in his new life when the Gene timeline is revealed in Season 6 to only be a few months after the events of Breaking Bad. Feels more like Saul has been living in Omaha for years


I worked in a mall. You see the same people every day. You form relationships fast.


They should’ve had Saul try to give him up to get some of his sentence commuted but have the authorities already know about him and mention that he passed away.


That would be a good way to include him and acknowledge Forster’s death


It makes me wonder if they would have included Robert Forster had he still been alive, and alter the series of events of the finale from what they actually did. I suspect they'd always have Saul being caught and go to prison but maybe Vacuum Cleaner Guy might have got a small part as Saul tries to contact him again or something.


Since Robert Forester died before they even started writing Season 6, I doubt they had any plans to possibly use his character.


Maybe if he were in it, Saul would get a hold of him, and he would say that he can’t help him anymore because his cover was blown and that he missed his chance in Season 5.


I read that since vacuum cleaner guy died they were going to use his son

Blender repair dude.


It’s certainly possible, and with it vacuum cleaner guy’s real profession would be exposed, also potentially putting the freedom of Jesse Pinkman in jeopardy. However, I like to think vacuum cleaner guy would keep quiet on those he helped escape.

I have no doubt if the actor was still alive, he most definitely would have been included in this final season, whether it be a simple audio call or a full visual appearance.


The Vacuum Cleaner Guy will be just fine.
All he has to do is call himself and explain that he needs a new dust filter for his Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60.
He will then take care of the rest.



Good question.

Guess it depends on how the Police treat finding the Business Card when they do a deep dive of the dumpster when Jimmy/Saul/Gene gets out as he dropped everything as his hands were up and he was memorising what was on the card so dumping it then and there anyway.

My initial guess is would be the Nebraska Police wouldn't put it together and connect that card with Jimmy/Saul/Gene, probably see it and ignore it.

But then thinking more:

Of course that could also depend on if it was the Nebraska Police that searched the Dumpster or the F.B.I./D.E.A and there lead Agent(s) on the case monitoring the dumpster dive. As the F.B.I may pay more attention to it reading: Best Quality Vacuum: 2714 4th St NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 on it, if they gave it more than a cursory look, plus they may recognise Jimmy/Saul/Gene's handwriting of Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60 on it, if it was in his handwriting.

If it was the Nebraska Police, then the F.B.I/D.E.A would only be going through the evidence that the Nebraska Police brought back from the Dumpster and I'm thinking the Business Card likely wouldn't be there. If the Dumpster was taped off as Evidence and the F.B.I/D.E.A did the search then yeah the Business Card would likely have been looked at and they would have looked into Best Quality Vacuum's. As why would Jimmy/Saul/Gene be still carrying an Albuquerque Business Card when he was on the lamb and hiding his true identity, it'd raise a red flag.

Urgh guess I'm undecide.


The feds could find a Trump card.


I think Vacuum Clear Guy had his bases covered incase of an unexpected investigation into him. He was very careful and had probably planned on being able to survive having his properties searched. His biggest vulnerability was to the Feds pretending to be criminals in need of extracting by using the code phase that they could get through interrogation/deal cutting.

He was very suspicious though and could maybe suss out the undercover Feds/mole.
