Excellent ending

Jimmy’s character arc came full circle. He finally changed paths, as Chuck suggested, and found his honesty.

His confession in court reminded me of Walter White confessing to Skylar that he cooked meth because he liked it and not the bullshit of “for the family.”

He accepted that he wrongfully accused Howard of driving Chuck to suicide. It was really him. He also accepted that he was in on it for the money and not because White intimidated him.

Now he is where he belongs.

Great ending!


Except he really isn't Jimmy in prison......


He'll always be a survivor.


The point is that there's no difference between Jimmy and Saul because he loved what he did the same way that Walt loved being a drug kingpin.


I like how they did the time machine story for different periods of his life and then showed how it came from Chuck trying to have that conversation with him. Somehow I knew once they showed Kim at the visit she would only have 1 cigarette.


I like how they concluded the arcs of Saul and Kim. Saul returned to his Jimmy roots, found some morals again after becoming increasingly immoral as Gene with the stealing and scamming, and made up with Kim. Kim after clearing her conscience with the Howard stuff, looked like she was keen to get back into the field of law again, which is good because I didn't really buy her in the mundane office job.


Good post, OP.


Thank you!


I posted earlier that I hoped that Saul would use his legal skills to get out of big trouble. My wish came out half way.
"It only takes one"
