I keep thinking they should do ‘Brick & Mortar’ because of the whole lab construction thing. Lalo infiltrates, gets killed in there maybe, and Gus hides him in the concrete of one of the walls perhaps.
Plus, both brick and mortar (in a different context) can be weapon related or used as a weapon, so the writers can have fun with their double meaning and all that.
With all the huge desert and all the barrels of acid ... why would anyone hide a body in an illegal meth factory and compound drug manufacture, dealing with murder?
They didn’t use the barrel of acid trick yet. Walt and Jesse taught Mike that one.
The lab is already a secret location. If that’s where he gets killed, why not just pour a ton of cement over him and that’s it ?
Still… I can’t help but think he would have been discovered once Walt and Jesse eventually blew up the place and forensics started to investigate.
I'm wondering also if there might be a hidden anagram in this seasons episode titles that'll reveal the ultimate fate of Jimmy/Kim/Lalo, etc, ala what they did in Season 2 with the whole "Frings Back" thing?
Which seems to be in line with the episode spoilers that've been floating around social media since they showed the episode at the Tribeca Film Festival last month.
I won't post it here, but it's out there thru a search.