The reception room in the Better Call Saul office (18:40 minutes into season 6, episode 6) looks different...
...from how it looked 24:42 minutes into season 2, episode 8 of BB.
share...from how it looked 24:42 minutes into season 2, episode 8 of BB.
shareFrancesca tried to make the joint look classy. This decor is obviously not going to last long into the future. Saul’s practice is a hotspot for all manner of scumbags, derelicts, criminals and degenerates.
As we all know, the place will be redesigned using schlocky facades of Greek columns and the Constitution, an enclosed space behind (probably armored) glass for Francesca and a depressing waiting room.
There are rules in life. One of them is that you can either have a flowing water feature in your office or you can have a wino urinating in your office. But you can’t have both.
Well you have people putting out cigarettes on the furniture, pissing in the waterfall and got knows what else...that decor isn't going to last long.