Does anyone remembers why Kim is after Howard?
What happened for them to spend the last 2 seasons trying to ruin his life?
shareWhat happened for them to spend the last 2 seasons trying to ruin his life?
shareI just assumed it was just her siding with Jimmy against Howard, but there probably is something else. Truth be told, Jimmy's endless frustrations at Howard are actually very petty & weak, it was nearly all Chuck, Howard had very little to do with any grievance against Jimmy other than being Chuck's yes-man.
shareI think this scene had a lot to do with it.
Howard was Chuck’s enabler and helped Chuck hurt Jimmy in more ways that one.
After Chuck died, Howard continued hurting Jimmy by telling him that Chuck committed suicide.
Kim explicitly told him here that there was nothing he could do and that he should just stay away.
What does he do? He offers Jimmy a job, which he should’ve known would caused a lot of mixed emotions.
Then there is this.
It is pretty insulting to pretend that she quit because if Jimmy as if she doesn’t have thoughts of her own.
I guess that was the last straw and Kim had enough.
Howard just kept messing up instead of leaving them alone.
Thank you. That explains a few things, but I'm still on the side of Howard not being a bad person and legitimately trying to do the right thing. He doesn't deserve this. Kim has everything going for her and keeps going down a dark path with Jimmy even while it's been obvious for 2 seasons that there's no love between them.
shareYeah, I agree with you that what they are doing is wrong. But I can see their point of view.
I disagree that they don’t love each other. They do love each other and that might be the problem. Even Chuck admits that Jimmy loves Kim.
They totally love each other. And what you are seeing is two people breaking bad…together. They are both blinded by this need to destroy him.
shareWhere are you seeing any love? They act very dry toward each other and they seem to be friends of convenience more than lovers. They used to have sex, laugh and kiss in the earlier seasons and there hasn't a sign of them ever doing anything for 12+ episodes. Their lives revolves exclusively around their machinations against Howard and which take out they will get for dinner.
Jimmy is very much in love. Kim isn't very affectionate but I don't see any reason to doubt her at this point. She is definitely on Team Jimmy. Jimmy doesn't like that Kim is turning dark. It was fun when they were scamming in bars but he doesn't want her becoming like him.
shareHoward’s a douche, he conspires with Chuck to entrap Jimmy, he dumps his guilt on Jimmy after Chuck’s death and then he has the nerve to give him false pity. I hope Howard dies along with Erin. I was also hoping Suzanne Ericsson would die but unfortunately she’s in El Camino.
There is obviously personal animosity toward Howard on the part of both Jimmy and Kim.
But the real reason they are trying to tarnish Howard's reputation is so Davis & Main will want to distance itself from HHM by bringing Sandpiper to a quicker conclusion. That way, Jimmy gets his cut sooner. Kim makes this observation when they were tossing out ideas for ways to embarrass Howard. Up to that point it was just an amusing pastime.
Personal satisfaction is merely frosting on the cake.
And I agree that while Howard is smug and condescending, he hasn't done anything to deserve this.
Thanks, I had totally forgotten about Jimmy's cut. I think this is what it's really all about.