Does anyone else feel

That being burned alive was too good for Chuck? I mean yeah sure it would have been unpleasant but I feel it wasn’t as slow and painful as it should have been.


Yeah you really are a psychopath.


Not at all, I just believe you should get what you deserve


What the hell did he do that he deserved to die, much less a slow painful death?


Did you not see how he manipulated Jimmy and attempted to not only sabotage his career but Kim’s? And Kim did nothing other than having the nerve to believe in Jimmy. Chuck deserved to suffer the worst, possible death imaginable, far worse than being burned alive. He is the central villain of the show.


Damn you are a psychopath...😂😂


I don't think you've paid close attention to the show. Chuck may not be the most kind or sympathetic character, but he's far from a villain. He stood up for Jimmy many times, and every time watched him take the easy way out, and often the illegal way out. He is a hard-working, straight and narrow type, who paid his dues, and earned everything he has through his own diligence and effort. He's the classic attorney-- everything to the letter, no shortcuts, and no shenanigans.

Keep in mind, we're joining in medias res, and we see Jimmy as the fun hero of the show. When we come in, it's 2002. Chuck is 58, Jimmy is 42. We don't see every day of it, but for 42 years Chuck has watched Jimmy lie, cheat, steal, and basically fuck off his life. Chuck knows what Jimmy is about, and he has grown tired of putting up with him.

Literally nothing Chuck does is inappropriate or unfair. Jimmy has proven himself to be a failure and liability to others. When he encourages the firm to distance themselves from Jimmy, it's the right thing to do. He knows what Jimmy will eventually do, and it's smart not to have him associate with the firm. Chuck isn't the villain by any stretch, and if you truly believe that, I think you need to rewatch the show with a more discerning eye.


Chuck is definitely a villain, he used Jimmy’s devotion to him to entrap him. Jimmy basically put his life on hold to help Chuck and in return all Chuck did was judge him and sabotage him. Jimmy was going to go straight but Chucks inability to respect him is what made him backslide.

Chuck was a sanctimonious smug piece of garbage and he deserved to die in the most slow and painful way possible. You don’t get to just decide that someone will screw up, you have to give them a chance and you have to give them the benefit of the doubt, Chuck was determined to keep Jimmy down in the gutter and it’s evil. I’m glad he’s dead.


Then we drastically disagree on this one. While Jimmy is the show's protagonist, and a likable guy, he's an immoral scumbag. His brother knew him for what he was, and after many failed attempts to help him walk the right path in life, he gave up on him.


Jimmy was not an immoral scumbag, he was a victim of Chucks mental and emotional abuse. Jimmy is the way he is completely because of Chuck. Also Chuck broke attorney-client privilege during his little chicanery meltdown, that’s another evil thing he did.


Chuck was an incredible character. Jesus Christ man! I have to agree with whoever called you a psychopath. Chuck didn't 'deserve' that kind of a horrible death and he wasn't even a bad guy. He worked hard his whole life to achieve while his brother just skated by taking advantage of people and became his mother's favorite despite the fact that he robbed them. Michael McKean is one of the all time greatest actors, I love him.


Chuck was a smug prick who abused his own brothers’ devotion to him. He deserved to die in the slowest, most painful way imaginable and I don’t think being burned alive quite cuts it.


Do you have siblings? Are they older, younger or both? Just curious.


I am a middle child and neither of my siblings ever stabbed me in the back like Chuck did.
