Gotta admit I kind of feel sorry for Howard
Sure he can be a pretentious a$$hole sometimes but he is so caught in the middle of everyone's drama. First Jimmy gives Howard a hard time over the billboard and trying to rip off his logo and look, then Chuck uses him to keep Jimmy out of HHM even though Howard sees potential in Jimmy, then Chuck uses Howard again in his scheme to entrap Jimmy with the cassette tape, then Howard gets humiliated in court (which results in Howard having to take his clients out to expensive meals to repair their image), then Chuck (and to a lesser extent Jimmy) gets HHM's malpractice insurance rates jacked up which results in Howard having to give Chuck millions of dollars, then Jimmy makes Howard feel guilty about Chuck's death and then Kim goes off on him and makes him feel even worse which results in Howard getting insomnia (I've had it before believe me it sucks) and now HHM's reputation is pretty much in the crapper.