Chuck, Howard, season 3 spoilers
My biggest issue with the show is that the seasons are too damn short! Even BB had 13 episode seasons after the first, and the long season at the end. 10 episodes leaves me so wanting. Now to the meat.
I started off mildly disliking Howard and really disliking Chuck, but by the end of season 3, Howard doesn't seem so bad, and Chuck is a completely unsympathetic beast. I was actually cheering for Howard when he knocked that shitty smirk off of McKean's face in the boardroom that final time. It was something Chuck didn't even consider as a remote possibility, and it was very satisfying. I don't care that he's mentally ill, he has had virtually unlimited access to help for years and years and he shits all over anybody who legitimately tries to help. My main issue with Howard is the way he's treated Kim, like he owns her or something, which is definitely why he won't accept repayment on her loans. He always wants some measure of control over her, and that's the grossest part about Howard. He did win me over with his dispensing of Chuck though. It's hard not to love Jimmy, despite his chicanery. As heartless as it sounds, I hope the end of season 3 is the end of Chuck. Maybe Jimmy will finally be free, for the moment anyway.