MovieChat Forums > Mountain Monsters (2013) Discussion > Everyone lighten up already!

Everyone lighten up already!

Yes, we all know that by and large, this show is for entertainment purposes only. Personally, I'm more than willing to accept that there are still as-yet undiscovered creatures out there in the wilderness, but this show will probably never deliver any empirical evidence of the beasties that they set out to investigate. And you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't tune into this show hoping to see the find of the century, I tune in to hear some finely spun yarns by colorful characters, and in that regard Mountain Monsters delivers in a big way. This is Americana folklore delivered with equal doses of humor and enthusiasm by a bunch of down home guys who clearly enjoy what they're doing, and I look forward to taking the ride with them every week. So to all you city slickin' haters, get a sip of that home squeeze, take the corncob out your posterior, sit back and enjoy the experience for what it is, not what you want it to be.

And for the record, this show is STILL better than Failing Bigfoot. :)


I agree completely with you.


There's nothing really wrong with fake shows, this is quite frankly a reason they should use disclaimers though.

My only big question though is the site, it was present before the show and is not automated, did the producers just offer them a lot of money or did a low level digital channel just have a lot of extra time to waste?

Gamefaqs has a far worse population than IMDB


Rest assured, if they every confirmed any of these "creatures" existed, we'd be hearing about it all over the news and not just this program.
