They're everywhere!!!! Lookout
Well I have to say I am through with this poor excuse for a reality show, especially after last nights pathetic episode. It was the worst thing I've ever seen on TV and since it wasn't even funny (too stupid to be funny) there is no reason left to watch the show (there barely was anyway). The producers should be ashamed of themselves because of the stupid shakey camera work and angles. The goofballs in the show were out of control ridiculous with their screaming and fake over reacting to everything (and nothing). When they were in that house and the supposed 8 foot tall (20 foot wingspan) 800 pound pteryodactals were all over the house and coming at them....utter nonsense....and then they decide to run for the side by side (they're all such sprinters) to save their lives.....just retarded. And let's not forget the terrible trail camera photos that, as usual, didn't show anything even remotely identifiable yet they were convinced they saw the snallygaster thing clear as day....and last but not least the great box trap they built which had about a 4 foot opening, again, for the 800 pound 8 foot tall 20 foot wingspan creature.....I'm sure it would fit in there with no problem.......I'm done with it.....