Wow what crap!

Seriously, another HICK @$$ show about a bunch of red neck hillbillies chasing around non-existent creatures. My God. What has television come to? How can anyone believe any of the crap on this show?

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"



"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


These aren't even real hillbillies. Anyone who has ever hunted knows you don't go firing your shotguns in all directions AT NIGHT just b/c somebody heard something. There would be dead hunters everywhere!

These are some just old country boy- wanna-bees who got paid to act "country" for another stupid "reality show". (note my other posts about the Lizard Demon)...


I partially agree with you about them overemphasizing the "country" for their characters, but I'm pretty sure they're the real deal as opposed to the Duck Dynasty fakers. Have you seen Huckleberry's teeth? These are legit West Virginia boys, but they're probably not as proficient with firearms nor critter huntin' as they'd have us believe.


Exactly who the *beep* is forcing you bitch-ass douchebags to watch????????? go eat a herpes *beep*!
fat pink mast!


Nobody is forcing us to watch- but what is your problem if we watch once or twice to see how the show is & then we make comments. If we don't watch at least once or twice people (like you?) will say, "You have never watched the show & you're going to complain?" I DON'T watch anymore.


.... great response vest... but I suspect he may just be another troll passing through.. singing the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" tune.. a tune that was old the first time it was sung...

... or just another one who thinks we should all sit back and say nothing about the garbage these Cable Channels churn out... the way I look at it... when the channels start providing free service... then I'll keep quiet.. but as long as I'm paying $100 a month... I'll call garbage, garbage... and MOUNTAIN MONSTERS is garbage....

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


There's a line there that most people just trod over to yell at people.

Commenting on something you tried and didn't like, is a pretty rational response.

Continuing to watch and spending a lot of time on the internet to complain about something that YOU are the one choosing to watch so you have something to complain that's a troll.

Outlook also has a lot to do with it. I personally don't see what being negative in life get's anyone. Why cry and complain all day instead of being fair and positive? I don't like Mountain monsters either but i'm also not calling it derogatory names or picking fights over it, that just seems as childish as the guys on mountain monsters jokes.

Gamefaqs has a far worse population than IMDB


Thanks! I'm so sick of the lame "If you don't like it then don't watch it" or "why are you commenting about it?"

How will other viewers know anything about the show if others don't watch & take the time to post our opinions? I usually give any show a couple of go-arounds before forming an ironclad opinion. And yes, since I pay $90 a month (package, taxes, equipment fees, etc) I'll comment any time I like!

As to what another person said (about why be "negative" and instead be "positive") about why complain, it's b/c the show is full of crap. It's obviously not real so why try to say something contrived just to be "positive"? There are some TV shows/movies that have both good & bad about them. I have posted numerous comments in which I gave the makers "kudos" for good writing or directing, cat, etc. Then I might complain about a plot hole or maybe the movie being too long, etc.

This particular show doesn't contain any real positives" so I wrote to the point about it. If there was anything good about it I'd be happy to say so.

It is stupid, lame and stereotypical programming. It seems every other cable network now has some "hillbilly" reality show.


Seriously people if you don't like the damn show why the hell are you so obsessed with posting on it?

Oh that's right you are just trying to "help" people so they don't have to watch a show that in your opinion isn't good. I don't know about anybody else but I believe in making up my own mind about a show, not take somebody else's word for it.

And I don't mean the people who post once about not liking a show, but the ones who constantly post about the same show all the time. "I hate the blah blah show but I keep watching it so I can tell everyone how bad it is."


Well since this is a message board everyone is free to give their opinion about any & every show! I don't understand people who are obsessed with other people posting bad reviews of a show/movie.

I have posted a few messages about this show (which is generally derided as reality crap) but I would hardly consider that being "obsessed". But if anyone doesn't want to see any negatives reviews/comments then stay away from these message boards.


vest.. I think that the people that jump on negative threads with that, "don't like, don't watch" bullspit... are trolls just looking to start off-topic circle jerk arguments.. then sit back and laugh at all the trouble they stirred up.

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


I started watching out of curiosity and boredom and found them quite hilarious and entertaining, until the shows started getting so repetitious. They do the same thing every week; the only thing that changes is the name of the beastie. But they're obviously giving the public what it wants or they wouldn't still be on tv. But is IS kind of silly to call this reality tv, except that they're really out there stomping around the hills and building traps for things they'll never catch.


I did the same thing and gave up after like 3 episodes. I loved how in one episode they actually "caught" a "beast" but then they didn't show it on camera haha. It amazes me what crap people will pour money into like crap shows on television instead of making an investment into something wiser!

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


Exactly who the *beep* is forcing you bitch-ass douchebags to watch????????? go eat a herpes *beep*!

Exactly who the *beep* is forcing your bitch-ass to read this thread????????? go eat a herpes *beep*!


If you think hick shows have ruined television, then either you haven't been watching television very long, or you think things like "Desperate Housewives" or "Jersey Shore" are actually good.

Television shows with actual quality have died a long time ago on regular channels, the only remnant is on channels like HBO and Showtime.


If it makes you feel any better. I've never liked any other crap shows like JS OR DHW either!

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"
