MovieChat Forums > Mountain Monsters (2013) Discussion > believers of this badly acted crap shoul...

believers of this badly acted crap should not be allowed to vote/procrea

the acting is terrible and hammy. and if you need proof, the fact that a fat bastard who could feed a village of cannibals with enough to send home everyone with a doggie bag, is "running" around in a forested area trying to "capture" various meat eating "monsters" and hasnt become a meal says everything. to anyone who isnt an idiot of course. these a$$holes give a bad name to rednecks, hillbillies and anyone who might actually be doing serious investigations. so do the morons that believe any of this sh!tshoot is on the up and up. this show is purely about making money. none of you who believe this crap is real should be allowed to vote, procreate or raise a child. the world has enough stupid people in it already.
