Is Wild Bill on meth?

I'm (kind of) serious...the more I watch the show the more he seems to act like he's tweaking out of his mind sometimes. One of the most recent eps had him saying something to Trapper that was put on screen in captions and it wasn't just the usual Boomhauer-esque mumble he does, but a completely nonsensical statement that even seemed to make Trapper look confused. He didn't seem to be quite so looney in the earliest shows and while I suppose it's just an act he's putting on, I've also noticed that he seems to have lost more of his teeth. I guess no show about backwoods hillbillies would be complete in this day and age without a meth the past they would have shown them drinking out of jugs with "XXX" on them.


I was just laughing out loud about him SCREAMING about sneaking up on something. He is so freaking loud, and he makes no sense.


I am surprised he hasn't seriously injured himself playing on the equipment when their building a trap.


I like that funny hand gesture he does.

Hide yo kids(from Carol). Hide yo wife (from Rick)


I wasn't thinking meth, but he is doing way to much. I think he's doing it for the cameras.


I think he's after Trapper's job. How many times does he strive to speak first, to pull the attention on him? Constantly.


Yes Wild Bill is on Meth just a little bit, But not much.

Trapper & crew keep throwing away all of Wild Bill lighter's to keep him calm down.

How you think Bigfoot started all them fire's that show..??

Joke HA HA. Wild Bill just might be that wild. JARHEAD.

Wild Bill need get hooked on some of Huckberries Moonshine.


To borrow from Salavador Dali, Will Bill doesn't do drugs, he is drugs.
