questions (especially if you've read the comics)
1) Why didn't Kinsey use the music box key on Sam Lasser when he came to Key House?
2) How exactly does the identity key work? I have to say I suspected all along that it all seemed too easy how they disposed of the echo (just like I knew something was off about that Gabe guy from the moment he appeared on screen), but I also don't understand how Dodge made Ellie look like her in the first place, because I thought that in order for the key to work it has to be your own personal intention.
3) Ellie mentioned that they found a way to retain their memories of magic into adulthood - what was that way? Is there more of a story to it that they are putting off till season 2?
4) What does an echo get out of killing people? I am referring to her encounter with the French guy at a night club - if she gets some kind of energy out of it, that really wasn't made clear.
5) Why was Rendell forcing Tyler to hang out with Sam? Not sure how that was supposed to genuinely help anybody, and that "I am not asking" was almost as bad as how Sam's father treated him.