Daylight's End, finally an good adaptation of I Am Legend!!!!
Saw the film Saturday night at DIFF 2016 with my buddies and we had a blast! The gun play, the action, and the lead characters kept me in the story the whole time. Its a combination of Assault on Precinct 13 and I Am Legend. Also this film finally did a honest take on the Richard Matheson's vampire/zombies from the his book I Am Legend. Non of the films every did it right. What blew me away being from Dallas is how they made the city look deserted. Dallas is a constant moving city, so to see it empty made the film more real! This is not a scifi movie by any way, Sharknado, the end of the world films they do have poor productions and cheap effects. This film's productions are Hollywood like standards! The jump scars weren't corny as well and I didn't see them coming at all! Can't wait to get this on bluray. Hope they put a lot of special features and a commentary track on the disk!