MovieChat Forums > The Real (2013) Discussion > Who Is Your Favorite and Least Favorite ...

Who Is Your Favorite and Least Favorite The Real guest host (to date)...

Let me first begin by saying that I am a major fan of The Real (side note: I am a mature African-American male who is a married father of 3…maybe not the show’s target demographic). But I watch the show because of the unbelievable chemistry between Tamar, Tamera, Loni, Jeannie and Adrienne (ironically, I’m not so sure how I’d feel about ANY of them without ALL of them…if you know what I mean). So, watching the show the past several weeks while Tamar was doing Dancing with the Stars and then out sick has presented a challenge for me. I think the show works because of each of the ladies’ individual views and approaches to on life and to various subjects. I know many people criticize Tamar for her “over the top” personality on the show, but honestly, when weighed against Tamera’s innocence, Loni’s sarcasm, Jeannie’s naiveté and Adrienne’s sassiness, it works brilliantly.

The only saving grace for me in Tamar’s absence (which I pray will end soon) is anticipating and assessing the individuals selected to serve as “guest hosts”. First, let it be known that NONE of the male guest hosts popped. I love Adam Housley, and while he is camera-savvy his contribution to the show as guest host just left me empty (and he was the best of the men…including Anthony Anderson, who was ok). None of the other hosts husbands even made a dent in my interest level (sorry, Vince…sorry Freddie).

What I look for in a guest host is someone who is not only interesting and self-aware during the “Girl Chat” segments, but who looks comfortable during games, interviews and other segments (particularly when their only function is to give face time while another host leads the segment. To that end here are my favorites, thus far:
1) Tisha Campbell Martin is by far the best of all of the guest hosts. She doesn’t try to “be Tamar” and she is engaging on her own as well as there appears to be a settled level of comfort between she and the other ladies.
2) Wendy Raquel Robinson is a confident veteran who seemed to fit right in with the other ladies. She obvious knows how to feign interest in those segments when the spotlight isn’t on her, but she is in the shot.
3) Edwina Findley-Dickerson (from Ride Along and “If Loving You is Wrong”) brought a different kind of flavor when she guest hosted. She was intelligent, insightful and appeared to have fun during “Girl Chat”
4) Sheryl Lee Ralph is a force. She is as over the top as Tamar sometimes, but from a different era. She was funny and gritty during the chat segment.
5) Ta’ Ronda Jones (from Empire and an aspiring rapper) was real and entertaining. While not as seasoned as Tisha, Wendy or Sheryl Lee, I would tune in to watch her guest host again.

While we are on the subject, please don’t ever, ever, ever bring back:
1) Tameka Tiny Harris (Tamar’s “best friend”) who looked absolutely uncomfortable in every segment and was especially unwatchable during “Girl Chat”
2) Julissa Bermudez (Adrienne’s “best friend”) who was boring, awkward and just painful to watch (even down to the last shot when the girls all gather to close the show). NEVER EVER WANN SEE HER AGAIN AS GUEST HOST!!!
3) Ne Ne Leakes who is truly a poor man’s Tamar Braxton without the appeal and charm.

I could go on and on, but what are your thoughts?...


Favorite: Adrienne - Adrienne is a ball of energy. She's just an all around fun person.

Least Favorite(s) Tamera and Lonnie -
Tamera is overly emotional (pre and post pregnancy)

Lonnie- She's cool but she tries way too hard. She'll tell a 'joke' and the other hosts will fake laugh not to hurt her feelings. I like Lonnie better when she's being serious and talking about serious topics.


Robb, the OP meant favorite to least fave guest host rather than regular host.

I think I missed the episode with Edwina Findley-Dickerson, but I have the same faves as you do. What I loved about Sheryl Lee Ralph was that while she's sassy and talkative, it's not as overbearing as Tamar's behavior can be. I loved seeing Tisha sit in again yesterday (she's guest hosted a couple of panel shows and always been a delight) and Wendy Raquel was fun too. She made me laugh when Jerry Springer complimented their chemistry and said the five of them were great together and she sheepishly said "I'm just visiting". Well come and visit as much as you like.

As for least faves, Nene. She was pretty good the first time, but she sauntered in like her 💩 didn't stink and it wasn't fun to watch. I didn't really mind Tiny, but I can take or leave her. Same with Julissa.

"Lonnie- She's cool but she tries way too hard. She'll tell a 'joke' and the other hosts will fake laugh not to hurt her feelings. I like Lonnie better when she's being serious and talking about serious topics."

Do you cringe when she says "what you should've did" or "and he took me the money"? It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does my inner English teacher winces and corrects her like she can actually hear me.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


I'm trippin! 

My favorite guest hosts were Tisha Campbell-Martin and Yvette Brown. They both fit in without trying too hard.

Least favorite guest host? I don't have anything against Tiny,but she didn't fit in. She barely spoke during the girl chat segments. The chemistry wasn't there.

@rmcrae I find myself cringing a lot when Lonnie is speaking. 'Show'll is' 'Show'll did' she talks like she's straight off the farmlands of West Virginia.


Why do I keep forgetting about Yvette Nicole Brown? I must be tripping right along with you, Robb!  

"@rmcrae I find myself cringing a lot when Lonnie is speaking. 'Show'll is' 'Show'll did' she talks like she's straight off the farmlands of West Virginia."

LOL! It's like she's channeling Shug Avery from The Color Purple sometimes. Still love her though. Not to nitpick (but hell, I may as well), but does she have an inside voice? She speaks in a normal tone for serious discussions, but when she's cracking jokes she turns the volume up way too loud.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Hey Robb Banks, thanks for the reply. I think we need to do a separate thread for favorite or least fvorite "Co-host" (which would be limited to Tamar, Tamera, Loni, Jeannie and Adrienne); however, this post is asking your opinion regarding the "Guest" hosts that they have brought in to fill in for Tamar while she's been out. Actually, why don't we expand the question to include any guest hosts you can remember going back to season 1 as well?

I'm anxious to hear your thoughts as well as other "The Real" fans.


King,I'm on some other *beep* today! I read the thread title and immediately assumed it was co-host. rmcrae corrected me and I still couldn't get it right!


@robb_banks and rmcae_deluxe, I did also enjoy Yvette Nicole Brown. She was a good fit for the table. I also liked Sherri Shepherd (but, not enough to put in my top 5).

Regarding Loni's speech (grammar), I think that on a different kind of show (one like The View) where more serious news items and topics are being discussed, it is okay to have an expectation of a certain kind of speech pattrn or delivery. For what The Real is (fun, filler and fluff) I think that Loni's more relaxed manner of speaking is okay. While my personal preference is for the constant and continual (and proper) usage of the king's english be apparent on all talk show across the board, I'm okay with the occassional colloquialism, slang and unpolished speech patterns used on The Real. Afterall, if the truth be told, more of us speak "Lazy English" like Loni during casual conversations than proper english. And The Real psitions itself as a show where we just happen to have cameras in the room while girlfriends are openly chatting. And That's "REAL", right?


That's a good point, king. I'm glad that Loni doesn't do that all the time. I watch The Talk and one of the co-hosts Sheryl Underwood is an educated woman with multiple degrees, but you wouldn't know it by hearing her speak on the show. She slurs her words and goes out of her way to speak incorrectly. It's a shame because she's capable of making her points whether the topic is serious or frivolous without that, but she thinks it's funny and people are laughing with her and not at her.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


To me the most comfortable and entertaining and insightful guest host has been Tisha Campbell. Honestly I wish she would become a permanent host. I loved what she had to say and she was funny to boot. It was very natural having her there.

Easily the worst for me is Tiny and NeNe. Tiny seems empty headed and uncomfortable. Nene is way too overpowering and fake.

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


Love is my favorite. However, I have to admit that I have stop watching the show. These women are loud, rude and GHETTO! Love is the only one with class.


I'll add Mel B. to my fave guest co-hosts list. Candis Cayne was ok, but I forgot she was there at times. I'm interested to see how Bevy Smith does tomorrow. "It's time for THE READING ROOM!" 

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Julissa actually co hosted a music video countdown show on BET.
