it was was too phony and cheerful for no reason except the elephant in the middle of the desk. IMO they were overcompensating for tamar not being there AND there being no mention of her disappearance even though the crew shared soooooo much love between them.. THE REAL was THE FAKE.
this also applied to the engagement talk. exactly who was celebrating their 19th anniversary in that disjointed story?? adrienne has spoken about her parents being divorced and she's well over 19?? surely israel has enough money to buy a ring (there was no waving of the big rock this time) if he could fly to paris!! even if his wife got her share of his money in the divorce. i spit out my tea when she described him as "her best friend and THE love of her life" as if there had never been the prior engagement with lenny. THE REAL IS THE FAKE part 2.
i'm going to continue watching THIS week but they had better get it pumped and usual. i FF through the challenge, HATED the doorbell games, and my favorite, part "girl chat" was a complete bust, no fun, uncomfortable, and useless. so disappointed at the difference in tone. even the $10k winner's response was off but i'll give her the benefit of being shocked and stunned.
***it's only my personal opinion, no permission required to have it***