Blood and Wine was Too Short
Very fun DLC for what is arguably the greatest RPG game of all time.
Unfortunately, this DLC, despite what their marketing team has told you can be beaten in a single day. CDPR constantly bloated about how this could have been a standalone game. But, in reality, it could not. It compliments the Witcher 3 nicely, but maybe I was just over-hyped about it, but the short length of the main story was a bit disappointing. My favorite part was definitely the Land of Fables. That was a blast. I was amazed at how much detail and effort was put into a map/world that you only spend about an hour in.
This DLC deserves 5 stars in comparison to other games and DLCs...but, it did not exceed my expectations, mainly due to the short length.
I'll also admit, Gwent was rather dull this time around since my decks are stacked and virtually unbeatable. Could I have used the Skellige Deck against the NPC's here? Yes...but, I didn't. I could not bring myself to not use all of the strong cards I earned throughout the base game and first DLC. BUT, this made Gwent way too easy. Winning every Gwent match by 150+ pts was lame...but the tournament where you are forced to use the Skellige deck was fun again. I just do not have enough discipline to not use my best gear, weapons, cards, etc. Even if that makes the game too easy at times. But, I'm not going to run around in my boxers with a rusty sword just because a Boss was way too easy to beat...nor am I going to remove the good Gwent cards from my deck just because my opponents have terrible cards.
I did not complete all of the side quests, as I figured I wanted some new/unseen things to look forward to when I do one last New Game Plus. Thus, I kind of rushed the main story and beat it in a single day.
One other minor complaint I have is with the main villain, Detlaff. He was just a very boring character. Regis is going to keep reminding you how emotionally complex Detlaff is....but I never saw it. I thought he was a dull character throughout the entire game.
One last minor complaint...I kind of wished they went another route instead of Vampires for this DLC. At times this DLC felt awfully similar to that one quest in Novigrad where that Vampire leaves those "Concerned Citizen" notes all over.
Though I have complaints, I still cannot justify deducting any stars. Because in comparison to other games and DLC's...this is miles better. Giving it 4 stars would be a disservice. It was not perfect....but I had a blast playing it. Can't wait to NG+ and do all of the side quests in B&W next time around.
I'll miss you, Geralt. We had some good times.
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