Ciri is Geralt's adopted daughter. Ciri is the natural daughter of Emperor Emhyr. Ciri is a Source. She has Elder Blood which means she has great power. There is a prophecy which proclaims that a child of the Elder Blood will be the only one who can save or destroy the world from the White Frost. Ciri is that child.
Ciri had been pursued by her father, Emhyr, who wanted to abduct her so he could marry her and father a child with her, believing that child to be even more powerful than she is. The Wild Hunt had been pursuing her for years with that same goal in mind. They wanted to mate her with their King.
In an effort to escape them both, Ciri fled to other worlds because she is also capable of manipulating Time and Space, meaning that she can travel anywhere she likes and to any time.
She lived for a time on another world but was forced to leave it when the Wild Hunt caught her scent. She first arrived back on Geralt's world in Skellige, in that forest that was destroyed. When she and Avallac'h were attacked by the Wild Hunt, he opened a portal to Velen for Ciri. She made it through but he was injured and a curse was put on him before he could join her. There was an explosion which destroyed the forest and sent Avallac'h to a different location.
He then contacted Keira Metz, trying to get his hands on a potion which would slow down the progression of his curse. Ciri meanwhile landed in the swamps of Crookback Bog. There she met the Crones who tried to hack off a piece of her for their meal before handing her over to Eredin. Instead, she fled and found that little girl and in turn they were both taken in by the Bloody Baron who helped them before sending Ciri on her way to Novigrad.
She's looking for Geralt and Yen. Geralt and Yen are both looking for her.
In Novigrad, she finally met up with Avallac'h and now knows of his curse. In trying to help him, she gets her hands on a phyllactery but it is broken. She tries to contact a mage in Novigrad but is nearly caught in a trap set by the witch hunters. She doesn't know that Triss is in Novigrad and the meeting would have been with her. With nowhere else to turn, Dandelion suggests Whoreson Junior who does know someone who could fix the phyllactery but his price is Count Reuven's Treasure.
So Dandelion sets up the heist and they successfully steal the treasure but Menge finds out about it and steals it from them. Junior is none too pleased and kidnaps Dudu hoping to draw out Ciri so he can try to get the treasure from her. She goes to rescue Dudu but both she and Dandelion are ambushed by witch hunters. Ciri manages to flee but Dandelion is captured.
Ciri flees to Lofoten, a small village in Skellige where a family takes her in and tends to her wounds. Avallac'h is getting worse but still hopes to help Ciri escape. Before long, the Wild Hunt tracks her down again and devastates the village killing nearly everyone. A young man helps Ciri flee and meet up with Avallac'h who puts a spell on Ciri, removing her spirit from her body and hiding her away in the Isle of Mists.
Now, they had three leads: she was spotted in Velen, Novigrad and Yen believed the explosion in Skellige to be Ciri related so is it that hard to understand why they had to investigate all three regions to find out what happened to her?
Avallac'h gave the "firefly" to Geralt and told him it would guide him. Once on the boat, all he has to do is follow the firefly to that hut with the three dwarves. You are guided there because it was the only way to protect Ciri. The Wild Hunt was closing in and each time they got closer to capturing her. By removing her spirit from her body, they couldn't track her anymore.
All you had to do was just hang in there a little longer and it would have all become clear. The story advances well enough if you have patience to let it unfold. The side stories (secondary quests) and contracts are there partly for atmosphere and for their own tales to relate but also to remind you that you are a Witcher and this is your trade: killing monsters for hire.
It is possible to speed run just the main story quests and be done with it in about 30 hours or so but you would be robbing yourself of a lot of rich storytelling.
And I'm not really sure why you feel that Ciri is a "stupid girl". She's had an extremely difficult life, much of it spent completely on her own. Her grandmother was slaughtered by her father's armies when they invaded Cintra. She's heiress to a half dozen thrones and wants nothing to do with any of them and yet everyone seems to want to tear at her in order to harness her powers and use them for their own purposes.
Throughout it all, the one person she's trusted her entire life, Geralt, a man she loves dearly as a father, is the one person she cannot find. His bond to her is so close that he dreams of her whenever she is in great danger. So is it that hard to imagine that he'd go anywhere, do anything to try and find her?