How much 30k

is now compared to 1972?

In Vino Veritas.


@ 476.2% inflation = $172,861

And the $4,000 that he asked his dad for would have been like asking someone for $23,000.


A Swimming Coach earns an average salary of $37,488 per year now, but in the show it pays $5000, so it worth 7 times more.

Base on that $30k at that time means about $200K now.

A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist - Sir Humphrey Appleby


The Cost Of Living…In 1972.New House – $27,600Average Income – $11,859 per yearNew Car – $3,853Average Rent – $165 per monthTuition to Harvard University – $2,800Movie Ticket – $1.75Gasoline – $.55 per gallonPostage Stamp – $.08Bacon – $.83 per poundEggs – $.45 per dozenFresh Ground Hamburger – $.64 per poundMilk – $1.20 per gallon \\|// (o o) ------oOOo-(_)-oOOo------


And a penny is still a damn penny.
