About the Under-Rated Thing
I wrote this here in a comment but I wanted to write it as a new thread and elaborate a little.
This show is brilliant. I'm not only saying this because I followed this thing ever since it was like announced, I'm saying it because they really made something big here. Powerful, well written drama. Original and well told story.
I knew Greg Yaitanes before, he's the reason I got so excited about this project in the first place. I didn't know Michael D. Fuller and Graham Gordy, the creators/writers. They turned out to be EXTREMELY talented, they write this HBO-premium-level Cinemax show (which is HBO), the writing is phenomenal. And I REALLY like how they made in general. All aspects.
To sum things up, this show needs to be more known. Well-known. People who don't know this show are seriously missing out. Every episode needs to have like a 1000 voters on IMDb at least. And the IMDb-raring of the show needs to be a little higher imo.
In Nolan I Trust.
Favorite TV shows: www.imdb.com/list/ls002906535