I think the finale as good as it was in how much it packed in one hour, yet compare to the rest of the 7 episodes where the pace was much slower. It just felt like they wanted to throw everything in just one episode. We never were shown any scenes of Vietnam with Mac until the finale; that was something I was questioning from the first episode. The war scenes could have been scattered in parts in some of the earlier episodes to return to later in the finale; as they already did in the first episode with the killing of James/ his captain. As much as I like this show, the writing and the cast, I thought the finale was more rushed to compensate for all the info they could have built into the story line earlier. Overall it was impressive but it felt a out of sync with the rest before it,
I do see your point but personally, I loved the way they did it. I see the first 7 episodes as exploring how Vietnam affected Quarry and the people around him and the (80min) finale finally letting us see why. I would rather this than switching the narrative back and forward through the whole story. Peeling some layers from the mysterious "Broker" was an added bonus.
I see the first 7 episodes as exploring how Vietnam affected Quarry and the people around him and the (80min) finale finally letting us see why. I would rather this than switching the narrative back and forward through the whole story. Peeling some layers from the mysterious "Broker" was an added bonus.
I do see your point too but if you ever read any good books and how the narrative doesn't just fill up the pages with irrelevant aspects of the core story. Mac is a Vietnam vet with some serious psychological issues which means that the flashbacks of Vietnam should have been incorporated into the story, even to plant a 3 second vignette shots of the village and killing as way of flashbacks, because the creators were already throwing us these other images that Mac was seeing like the Mask and that under water shot in the first episode, so why not throw in the shots of the fishing village killing too and leave it all for the end?.. that is what made the finale feel like a cheap network show.
I am kind of surprised someone like "Greg Yaitanes", whom I consider as a very creative and visionary would pack it all in for the finale?. They never did that in "Banshee", if anything "Banshee"s signature was all about flash backs and memories; the show's core was built on it, which is more closer how the human mind works and in this case a Vietnam soldier who killed a whole bunch of innocent people and still misses the war every day. We spent way too much time with Mac's outbursts and mopping and not even a hint where all this pain is buried coming from?. We spent way too much on chasing the one legged man that really had no real connection to the core of this story; where it could have been spent to build the connection with Broker and Vietnam more coherent so when you have a 80 minute finale it all comes together like a puzzle. You have to plant it these pieces in the beginning as the spine of the story, present all the info and images to your audience together and that's what make it more coherent and meaningful at the end, than just shocking you all with the finale like day soap opera.
As far as the Broker as the added "Bonus"?...well, the Broker story is now the new fork in the road, the new twist for the cliff hanger to the next season. It sets up the premise for the other seasons to come because until Mac discovers who the Broker really is and probably end up killing him once he finds out he was the behind the killing of the fishing village all for Drugs. They had to threw that in the finale too for us to ponder on to the next season, that was no added Bonus, it was a old gimmick.
With all its flaws, I still love this show and to me its really outstanding work for a TV drama for its first season.
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Looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree on the finale and whether we should have had been fed some context in flashbacks in previous. The books I've read and Banshee have no bearing whatsoever on my opinion. I wasn't trying to downplay the significance of the broker reveal to the story and the setup for next season. I was only speaking from my viewing experience of the finale. Couldn't agree more with your last statement. Not perfect by any stretch but you'd need a big stick to keep me away from season 2.
It's The Walking Milk formula: pack and pad all your middle episodes with who cares filler and bookend your premiere and finale with the goods everyone wants to see to maintain interest (though I have to give Quarry a little credit Episode 3 was by far the best episode)
Yea you're right who cares about the hitman business next season we need more wife/marriage/family drama, puppy dog Quarry moping around everywhere, what is Arthur's family up too, Buddy's coming out crisis, and hopefully a return to that motel so Quarry can fix that pool pump (really hate those cliffhangers) long live Episode 4 greatest ever
You ALWAYS never fail to be a TROLL where ever you show up. Every time I post some where you show up and want to start some crap? Don't you think that is a SICK behavior? If you can't contribute like a ADULT and don't agree with someone then bounce to another board, but you are such a SICK MISERABLE LONELY little Troll that you just can't help yourself, can you?. You are truly a LOW LIFE and you really need to find another hobby and get out of your parents basement, get a Job and join the real world. reply share