
Let's be honest, the first episode was great, especially the first 5 minutes of the show. I thought this would be an amazing show but my interest is starting to dwindle. Do you guys think it will get better or are more people also becoming uninterested with the story line? It seems, the focus should have been on Quarry and whatever happened in Vietnam.


It's an under the radar show if anything, overrated means it's getting high praise and ratings, a second season and a lot of advertising, which I'm not seeing.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Let's be completely honest. You are 100% wrong. But font believe me. Check out the incredible finale for yourself,


But font believe you? Huh? What is that supposed to mean? I understand all the words but the sentence makes no sense.



why? that whole war flashback thing's tired. it does connect in the last episode though.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


"let's be honest" your opinion means dick.


Yeah cause this show is so highly rated, a water cooler show and highly regarded as the best on TV

Do you even know what overrated means?

Game of thrones
Mr Robot
The Walking Dead (to some)

these are shows i would consider eligible for that moniker

if anything, it is underrated, not many people even know what it is


It's not nearly as good as BANSHEE. Doesn't come close.


First of all, let me say I really liked Banshee, but let's be hhonest : Banshee was like a Tex Avery cartoon for grown ups. In Quarry, the violence is far less gratuitous and they mostly managed to avoid sensationalism. The full uninterupted sequence in the village during the finale was retrospectivly far more interesting than the Burton/indian chick fight scene. Banshee also has a lot of soap in it, when this seems to have a much more subtle overlaping storyline, as the finale reveals.


I'm OK with you not liking it. Your opinion matters very little to me, and if you'd prefer spending your time doing/watching other stuff, go ahead. If you need to be convinced to watch something, you probably shouldn't have started on it in the first place.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


You need to check out the definition of "overrated". Few talk about this show, even fewer watch. So how is it overrated?

Who'd want to be men of the people when there's people like you?-A.M.

