Quarry is a bust, and I'll explain why
If you wanna have a show that covers serious subject matter, like a Vietnam Veteran with PTSD, then keep the show serious. If you wanna have a show that doesn't take itself seriously, like Banshee, then keep things light and entertaining. Quarry tries to be both, which doesn't work at all. Quarry tried to be taken seriously, showing the obstacles Veterans face when returning home from war, and then went comically over the top making Quarry a contract killer. Guy is on hard times financially, and the only way he can make money, is by entering a career as a contract killer. Give me a break. I can understand maybe years of financial hardship, that someone could break down, and start killing for money. Quarry was home for like a week or two when he decides this career change. If you are trying to make a serious show, and the whole concept is ridiculous and unrealistic, it doesn't work.
Show is also way too predictable. I had no idea that Quarry's decision to start killing for money was going to backfire, and cause him more trouble than before lol. Show doesn't really have a central plot, or main story to follow. The most recent episode, the hotel one, was a filler episode and nothing of not happened. Where can this show go from here? More meetings and contract killings that backfire? Joni and Quarry love/hate relationship? Wouldn't be surprised if this season is one and done.