MovieChat Forums > Hot Pursuit (2015) Discussion > I can't be the only one...

I can't be the only one...

who really enjoyed this movie! While I know it isn't Oscar-worthy or anything like that; it was entertaining and I laughed a lot. I think the critics are being too harsh on this movie. The whole theatre was dying laughing so I'm not sure why they're calling it "unfunny." There were plenty of funny parts, especially the part with the deer hahahaha.


Something does not have to be Oscar worthy for it to be good. That is a ridiculous and silly assertion. The trailers were dumb, the acting was bad and over the top (constant yelling and screaming), the story was cliched and lazy, the characters were one note stereotypes and the direction was non-existent, especially with the lack of real chemistry with the lead. The critics explained all of that as to why they panned the movie, so I don't get the "why" question. I have to assume that people have basement level standards or have really crappy lives when I hear things like: "I just want to laugh and watch something that does not take effort or I can turn off my brain so I don't have to think." Really? Especially when there is plenty of smart, witty comedies out there and a bunch coming out later this year.


I think they must serve alcoholic drinks at that person's theater if everyone was laughing. The one thing that the critics said over and over is, no one in the early showings laughed. No One.

You know what this

"I just want to laugh and watch something that does not take effort or I can turn off my brain so I don't have to think."
reminds me of? The move Idiocracy.

I agree with you. But then Paul Blart 2 is a big success.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


I completely respect your opinion, but I really found this film funny. It IS possible that people can have different opinions! So what might not be funny for you could be funny to someone else (:


Exactly!!!! My goodness, everyone....... RELAX!!!


We saw it at the drive-in where our standards are slightly below what they'd normally be in a regular theater. That said, I laughed much more than I expected to, sometimes pretty hard. It was a PERFECT drive-in movie according to my family.
