2016 Razzie sweep?

Not a betting person but could be swayed lol. This movie reeks from open season/target to sweep for worst...everything lol. At first I was thinking Julianne Moore for Seventh Son was potential from runner (esp after winning the Oscar and a year of career highs) but this just reeks from awful and I think got even more critically slaughtered than Seventh Son (which at least did okay oversees/ $102 million total w.w.)! lol This one won't even do 1/2 of that w.w. How ironic that Moore and Witherspoon (even tho she didn't win the Oscar this year) after 2014 highs (critically and at the box office) immediately follow up w/ some of their worst flicks. Like I said in another thread, I think Reese and Vergera (but more likely Reese due to critics expecting WAY more from her) def. may be the front-runner now (though Moore will prob. get a Razzie nom too but don't think she'll 'win' lol)


I don't think this will sweep at Razzies.

You have to remember, Fifty Shades of Grey, Paul Blart 2, and Mortdecai came out this year and we are bound to get more franchise blowouts this summer season. Although there may be a possibility of some sort of nomination.


and don't forget Avengers age of ultron


I hate to be the one to say this, but I honestly don't see Age of Ultron getting a Razzie.

I'm thinking the big targets for now will be Mortdecai, this movie, Paul Blart, Fifty Shades of Grey, and The Boy Next Door. Possibly Strange Magic too.

EDIT: Oh, and Poltergeist. A lot of voters have panned that movie so far.

Winter is coming


Jupiter Ascending too


regarding your edit,

i personally didnt think that poltergeist was that bad, i havnt seen the others you mentioned but i have seen some crap movies in my time and by comparison to something like 'white chicks' poltergeist was genius.


except Age of Ultron was good


This film and it's actors don't deserve the attention of a Razzie.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


There's a lot of year left and big budget efforts like Jurrasic World are waiting to take a Razzie hit. I hope I'm wrong but Razzie likes it when blockbusters stink. Things as bad as Hot Pursuit seem to fall under the radar because people like Reese and Vergera.


Paul Bart 2 and Pixels would be front runners I think.

In fact anything with Sandler's fingerprints.

Its that man again!!
