We were entertained!!

My wife and I watched two comedies this week, "Magic Mike XXL" and "Hot Pursuit."

No question, we both enjoyed "Hot Pursuit" more.

Not that it is, overall, a superior movie. In fact to be honest regarding all aspects of filmmaking, the best I could rate it on a 10-point scale is 4 or 5. But enough of it is entertaining that we were satisfied. Sort of like watching 2 or 3 episodes of a silly TV sitcom.

The trend in our present world is for pseudo film critics to take a film like this and proceed to tear it apart and blast it, as if their doing so has any impact at all. Almost every movie has some entertainment value if you are in the frame of mind for it. Anyone looking for a silly fugitive road movie with two popular female actors will probably enjoy this.

90+% of movies nowadays are crap movies made just to try to turn a profit so why do some get so worked up if any particular one of them is substandard? Most of them ARE substandard!!

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


Its actually not that bad. I was laughing so much when they were pretending to be lesbians


we were entertained. we knew it wasn't going to be shakespeare and that's not what we were after. found it forgettable but hilarious


I was entertained, sofia is a beautiful woman. Reese is a plain looking white chick.


Why do you feel the need to reduce them to their sex appeal or appearance? This was a comedy.


Haven't seen Magic Mike: The Return but I didn't like the first movie. I'm no a fan of that sort of dry "dramedy"
