I finally understood why they put her partner in crime for life in prison

He was always mostly portrayed by media as some mentally challenged city idiot who Gypsy convinced to kill her mother and he got harder sentence.

While in reality it looks like he was serial killer in the making and just chosen her mother as first victim. When she suggested to get rid of her mom instead of saying "no" like normal person he was all: "Yes. When?"

He told her he has other, dark character inside of him. Victor. Who wants to kill. That he wants to take virginity of their future daughter with Gypsy when she will be 13. He killed mother with such ease and then wanted to r*pe her corpse but Gypsy told him not to do that so he r*ped her.....
And he wrote her in prison that he feels no remorse. And then he was controlling everything in their mutual life those few days after murder. Just like her mother.

He was crazy psycho and future serial killer. And they did absolutely right by putting him away for life. As he would do that again.

I actually think that maybe Gypsy was lucky they got caught by police. As who knows what he would do next. He would probably try to convince her to do more killings. And then kill her when she would refuse to do something he ordered.


Actually, DD was already dead by the time Nick arrived to “help” kill her. DD was dead on the 9th per the autopsy and he got there on the 10th. Gypsy had already killed her and Dan (her married boyfriend) helped. Nick was there to take the fall

I don’t know if you are aware of this but Gyp Dip is a pathological liar. When she opens her mouth, diarrhea pours out. Her new book is filled with lies and contradictions. Hopefully she’ll be back in prison soon so she can’t manipulate and hurt anyone else
