Any sources? Backcountry true story articles/stories/etc
I just wanted to create this topic/thread to see if there are any actual articles/stories about this true story event somewhere online?
I did come across this article:
and the director/writer, Adam MacDonald, stated this in the article:
"After I came up with the idea of an Open Water in the woods, I started to do quite a bit of research on black bears as well as first hand accounts of campers and hikers who have been attack by these animals. I came across a story of a couple who were savagely attacked in the backcountry by a predatory black bear nearly ten years ago, I found the story both heroic and tragic, it made me very emotional. The couple being young and alone made it all the more compelling to me."
Anyways, I am hoping to find some articles/links/etc or something about this incident since it sounds like the director came across this story somewhere online but I could be wrong. I tried doing some google searching but I haven't had any luck yet but maybe I am just not searching for the right things?
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread and reply away if you got anything interesting to share that is related to this thread topic.