MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > Why do the women always survive!!!

Why do the women always survive!!!

There is this weird thing that is going on in the film industry where the woman always survives while all the men die. Now this I find a bit sexist. It's gotten to the point where the predictability prevents any sort of shocking ending. As soon as the film starts it's like "oh it's her, ok yeah she's weak now but I can tell she's going to be digging deep to find a way to outsurvive all these guys, I can't wait to see her in a tank top covered in red corn syrup, yay girl power"

Oh and in the story this is loosely based on the guy survives, fights off the bear with a pocket knife, and carries his wife to safety. She dies from the injuries of course but that's not good enough for a movie I reckon.

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


I sort of agree, but there is just no way they could have shown a woman getting ripped apart. The real incident that this is based on is horrific. This version was bad enough.


The bear left the girl alone because she was so hot. The boyfriend was a jealous prick, and the bear knew it.


The bear left the girl alone because she was so hot. The boyfriend was a jealous prick, and the bear knew it.



In my eyes, the chick was just as attractive as the guy, which is not at all.


In my eyes, the chick was just as attractive as the guy, which is not at all.


Yep, the bear chased her to the edge of the cliff because it wanted to make out lol.



The exact same thought occurred to me. Open Water, Eden Lake, this movie... probably others... the guy always dies first because audiences would find it distasteful to have the woman die a grisly death and the guy carry on.


Happened in that shark movie Open Water. In fact, this movie reminds me of that one - couple on vacation, man does something stupid, couple argue, man gets attacked by wild beast and dies. Except in Open Water the woman dies, too, or at least lets herself die.


Watch Wolf Creek.


She was safe because the Bear was a MANEATER!!!(;


Except that 'man' is a generic term that can mean male or female, unless the context specifically stipulates male.


Ironically, if you took all of the world's movies and matched them up, you'd probably find the opposite is true. Women are by and far more in danger in any movie, book, play, or episode of television than men.

And it's not even a thing of the past, but just a current fact.

With that said, there is a type of movie that does try to subvert this fact and have women survive, and it's seen enough there are spoofs on it like the "Final Girls". lol

Anyway, I did find this movie sexist. Everything the boyfriend was doing was wrong and stupid, and the girlfriend who added ZERO to the movie was somehow the "survivor/hero" because she was so...what? Prepared? No. Brave? No. Ready to risk her life for her lover? Nope.

I feel this is a movie for women who hate men. TBH.

(Yes, I'm a woman)


This trend of the Final Girl seemed to start with Alien. Funny thing: the casting was gender-neutral, so anyone cast in the part of Ripley would have survived. Other than the completely pointless "strip down to a bikini and tank top" scene near the end, they pretty much kept Sigourney Weaver from being the girl in need of rescuing. Of course, Veronica Cartwright's character had her damsel-in-distress moments.

The only films I can think of where the role of incompetent jerk was given to a woman are Blair Witch Project and Deep Blue Sea.


The only movies I can think of where there is a final guy are Wolf Creek and the original Evil Dead. I was actually really disappointed with the remake of ED that they went back to the final girl trope, it's been done to death.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


Watch Open Water
