MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > Technological advances make it harder to...

Technological advances make it harder to make these movies realistic

In order for it to be suspenseful they basically had to make the male lead (God-forbid they make the female stupid) a complete idiot by hiding the cell phone in the car. With gps, drones, solar powered backpacks etc. its going to be harder and harder to make survival movies scary in a realistic fashion.


Thank god. Id dump all of these never-fail-to-be-lame turds in a pile amd burn em if I could. This one was just by the numbers dull, added nothing to the already bloated genepool of low budget stinkers. Wanna see a low budget film with some tense guts? Uncle John. That was a pretty good movie for a low budget film made for the cost of a cheeseburger. Sure it was no Academy winner, but if you can appreciate a slower pace film it is good. That director knows how to nail tense and nuance. If he had a real budget I'll bet he could do amazing things.


Have you ever been in the middle of nowhere? A place where there are cell towers for miles and lots of mountains? Her cell would have never worked. Travel through a state like West Virginia and tell me how great your cell service is.


And God forbid they let the woman get killed instead of the man. I'm seeing a pattern's really ticking me off.


how so does it tick you off, elaborate.


There would have been no cell coverage in the mountains even if they had a phone. GPS would have been useful for finding their way out of the woods, but that really wasn't their problem at the end of the day. The problem was the bear and their failure to bring any form of defense other than bear spray.


As someone who camps frequently in the Alberta mountains, where not only black bears are a threat but cougars, wolves and grizzlies (which I had a terrifying encounter with myself) - there are many places deep in the woods where you cannot get reception. One of my frequent spots has a weak signal, but there is absolutely no signal there on a long weekend. We had to try for an hour to contact fish and wildlife after our threat, and the signal kept getting lost mid-call.

The guy in the movie (Alex) was a complete utter idiot, but there are plenty of men who insist on camping the old fashioned, redneck way. No phones, no devices. I get razzed like crazy if I so much as pull out my phone to check the time, and it's a shame. There are great apps that make camping fun, and also apps that are incredibly useful that show you animal tracks, scat, warnings signs of bears (which I think the movie handled amazing, I saw many things like the fallen trees, a fresh kill, before the sow came at us). But also, don't most smartphones have a compass that works without a signal? The guy acted like such a twat refusing the map, hiding the phone, not bringing a compass... if he was that experienced in the woods he should know better.


He had a $1000 to drop on a trail trip, he has a $1000 to drop on a sat phone or a couple guns.
