MovieChat Forums > Backcountry (2015) Discussion > The bear attack *spoilers*

The bear attack *spoilers*

I just finished watching this movie, and wow...

I'm fairly unphased by gore, but that scene genuinely churned my stomach. Him panicking about not feeling his foot and how he was going to die, which quickly escalated to his face being ripped apart while his girlfriend sat there in shock listening to his cries of pain. I can't get the damn thing out of my head. It was so realistic, you can just see yourself being in that situation. I know black bear attacks against humans are fairly rare, but it was enough to deter me for a bit of taking a camping trip anytime soon, lol.

I don't think I could watch that scene again, it was just too real.


I had to skip that scene :-(


Watched it today and I agree! I'm pretty desensitized to gore, but that was horrific. My heart started pounding and I almost cried. The only other similar situation that comes to mind for me is when one of the girls in The Descent starts having a panic attack when she's trapped in a small section of cave - I actually get panic attacks, and I almost started having one during that scene. So well done.

I saw footage of a bear attacking a man who jumped into its enclosure at the zoo, and it did the same thing - flipped him over, and started taking hunks out of his back and spine while he was still alive. I have also read that bears will start eating while they maul you, so I thought it was very realistic. I camp pretty often, but at beach campgrounds - if my boyfriend goes backpacking in the mountains (as he plans on doing this summer), I'm going to encourage him to bring a firearm for dire emergencies (and I HATE guns and hunting of any sort).

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Blackdog, I almost had a panic attack or at least hyperventilated watching "Descent." I don't know if I could've even portrayed the scene, as an actress, without panicking!!

As for Backcountry, I can watch pretty much anything w/o being affected but I think what made the bear chomping scene so scary was that the girlfriend was watching her boyfriend get mauled and she was helpless to do anything. That brought me to


Did you see the Revenent? That bear attack was much worse.


My friend told me about the bear attack in that movie when I told him about Backcountry. I didn't want to see it before (one of my friends said it was utterly boring) but based on what I've heard about the Revenant, I'm now going to check it out.

Funny. Usually when my friend says a movie is no good, I NEVER listen. I don't know why I chose to believe him about the Rev being boring.


"Did you see the Revenent? That bear attack was much worse."

You know, I have to disagree. I was more affected by the bear scene in this movie than the one in The Revenant. They did a really good job, but I could still tell that the bear was CGI. The one in this movie looked more realistic and more horrific to me.

~I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong~


u took the words out of my mouth

~ TAKE the ticket!


In America we have the right to bear arms...

-- and bears have the right to TEAR arms! (And legs, and thighs, and necks, and faces, etc etc).

Pretty spooky movie, huh?! To me it was even scarier than THE RING.


But do we have the right to arm bears?


I totally agree...that scene is going to haunt me. It was more intense and graphic than I expected.



It was horrifying. I can't think of a worse way to go.

I've done a lot of camping in bear country over the years, and you sometimes think there is safety in your tent. Not true.




As is stated in another thread, never run from a bear. It triggers a response such that they see you as prey.

The %s say its best to stand your ground and yell at the bear. As for the situation in the film, I'd say they were just screwed. The bear was in full aggression mode for whatever reason, and was no longer afraid of humans.

Not even the bear spray worked, although if they had used it from the get go, it might have gone differently. They panicked and lost their cool.



From what I've read, adult bears can outrun a normal human with ease. The exception would be on a steep downhill slope. Bears are big and lumbering, but they cover a lot of ground per stride.


It was pretty awful and reminded me of a real-life event in Alaska with the "bear man." Werner Herzog did a documentary on him. He went to Alaska a lot and "hung out" with the bears. He took his girlfriend one year, they stayed later than usual, and encountered an old, scrawny, hungry bear. He attacked the bear man, Timothy Treadwell, first and then killed the girlfriend. The entire attack is on audio, since Tim had his camera rolling but that audio has never been released. I can't even imagine the horror.


I saw the Timothy Treadwell documentary, apparently the bear dragged him off, the girlfriend stood screaming hysterically and the bear came back for her, chased her round the tents and one of the tents were flattened so it looked like the bear after chasing her round the tents for a bit just went straight over it to grab her.
The recording lasts over six minutes, a horrific experience for anyone listening to it never mind going through it.


They play part of the actual audio during the film.

In his comments, Herzog said he wrestled with the idea of including the video which was captured by Treadwell's camera as he was killed by the bear. But, in the end, he chose to include only the audio which doesn't sound as horrific as you might think.


That's not true. The attack is not on video as the lens cap was on the camera. The camera captured the entire audio of the attack, which Herzog refused to play because it was so horrific. I don't think he even plays part of the audio. Treadwell's friend has the audio but has never listened to it and she may have destroyed it.


I think you're right. Now that I think about it, I think Herzog was talking about not including the audio. IIRC there's a scene where we see HIM listening to the audio... I think you slightly hear some of it through the phones.

I haven't seen it in years so my memory is likely off.


He had it coming though. You screw with the bears, they screw with you. And they screw wayyyyyyyyyyyyy harder.


It is interesting from a movie-making point of view which method of portraying a bear attack is more effective; the one used in this movie or the one used in the Revenant.

In this movie you never actually see the bear sink its teeth into the victim, and the shots from below the bear in which the bear towers over with its head pointed up, bloody mouth open, emitting horrible growls I thought were the most fake parts. They do this shot more than once and the head is too still. I just had the feeling (though don't know for sure how they did it) that for that part there was some guy just off camera holding a bear head on the end of a stick. The victims' reactions, I thought, were what made the scene effective. And of course movie makeup has achieved new heights in doing wounds and dismemberment.

In the Revenent's bear attack we have those shots of the bear, while on top of Leonardo, sinking his teeth into him. And, because of the different way it was done, the bear always seems to be there and alive. But, does it always seem like a bear? I don't know. Unfortunately I had read or watched something on how this bear attack was shot, and I couldn't stop thinking about that, which ruined it a little for me. I knew they had filmed a guy acting like a bear and then CGIed in a bear. Wish I had watched the scene without thinking about a guy in a bear suit ("cgi suit"). But still think was a really effective scene and Leonardo was great in it.

Which scene was more effective? I might be prejudiced about judging one scene because I loved Revenant, but I think Revenant's scene way more effective (and probably cost waaaay more, even after deducting Leonardo's salary).


I watched a few days ago and couldn't agree more. I'm a big horror fan so splatter/gore doesn't phase me anymore, but that bear scene is SO UNSETTLING (I think they got the realism factor down perfect.) And ditto on camping now, I'm all paranoid.

Interesting comparing that to DeCaprio in Covenant - that seems like a cakewalk compared to Backcountry.


It was horrific, but not as gut churning as the bear scene in Hercules (1970).
