He shoots himself off the Lima and into the ring of Neptune. Now him being hit with all of those rocks would certainly have thrown his trajectory off course. But, noooooo. There is his ship right there, all lined up for his landing. And being pummeled with those rocks would have slowed him down enough where he could have used his 'brakes' so as not to go flying past the ship. And how fortunate is he that he manages to grab the part of the ship that he needs to get back in. He is one lucky guy.
And how is it, he has the same beard stubble for 3 months?
Also, never knew, that when one is in zero gravity for a while, that you start to see little tinkerbells or whatever.
And, what was the gas in the container that killed the commander?
I assume there are no g-forces when one blasts off from Mars.
Was the Cepheus's original mission to get kill daddy McBride?
And what happened to Donald Sutherland's character? Last thing I heard, he was in surgery.